38.124351120702 - 20.517729520797


Mycenaean Cemetery of Lakithra

In the Mycenaean cemetery of Lakithra, four chamber tombs, many other tombs and grave goods have been excavated. It is the richest cemetery on the island full of Mycenaean findings and chamber tombs.Tomb A has a cavernous shape, an almost square plan and contains 10 burial pits. Tomb B is similar to tomb A in terms of shape and number of burial pits, and it seems that both were carved almost simultaneously. Tomb C does not contain burial pits and is the smallest of the four tombs in the cemetery.Tomb D contains 11 burial pits, is the largest of the four and was built first. Storage structures were carved into natural rock; they were found empty and probably date from a much later period. Their exact use remains unclear.The findings of the tombs suggest that Lakithra was an economically strong society which had developed trade relations with the rest of Greece and Cyprus.